One theme in Murder, Inc. is how poor the Warren Commission investigation was. Many times it seemed intentionally so. This is an example.
At the end of the Warren Commission staff visit to Mexico City in April 1964, it drafted a letter for the United States embassy there to send to the government of Mexico, asking for copies of the files Mexican authorities had assembled in their investigation of the assassination. But the letter was never sent. There is no record of why. The commission staff had discussed with Mexican authorities the Mexican investigation and had seen documents and reports from that investigation. However, no such documents are in the National Archives' JFK collection. Mexico apparently never furnished the commission with the documents the staff wanted because the letter was never sent. But the commission proceeded to issue its report without disclosing this investigatory failure. See page 250 of Murder, Inc.
The draft letter, below, is attached to David Slawson memorandum of the staff's trip to Mexico City, which is NARA 104-10150-10181.
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